Saturday, September 01, 2007

Battle Maiden in Canary Yellow Smock

Lo' and behold, the summer has ended. My first week of school has been nothing short of sheer ruthless, and lots of folks are here, enjoying the labor day weekend in this countryside.
What lies ahead of my path is still uncertain, but it doesn't seem like a shade of murkiness. It looks very... wet and slippery now.

First is over, and I am already eight chapters behind my reading. Le sigh...

Blood work is done, and the lab value reads that I am fine.

Summer is over = less work to do

Book: Whole bunch of textbooks
Manga: Mimia-hime (one of three series being published by Tanaka Yutaka, one of my favorite mangaka)

Los Mets, and the football season is almost here.

Two Cents: (Short of 48 cents)
Lots of burnt out people in my classes, I feel right at home. New class of AIDS medication is about to hit the door, and I expect the sales rep. to bring some spiffy pens. About time, too.. as I am running out of ink on my Valtrex pen.