Saturday, May 12, 2007

Whatever happened to my winter?

It's long gone, goodbye winter.
I've been on the move yet again, hopefully for the last time in a long while. Grass is tall, birds are chirping, and my dog is sleeping as usual. Oh, and Mets rule! (Status Report Time!)

On break, considering making some changes soon.

Can't really complain about it.

Slow for now, but it will get busy in a week or two.

Book: The World is One: Princess Yi Pangja's Autobiography (out of print for almost 30 years now, had to search around to find a decent used copy)
Manga: Claymore (Action/Myth/Drama: Highly Recommended Series)

Mostly Weather Channel XD

Two Cents:
Exubera flopped like a fish out of water, people around here take more Percocet than crack cocaine, and doctors are retarded as ever. What's new?

Time to hop onto the iron beast known as a lawn tractor and round and round we go...

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