Saturday, December 15, 2007

I've survived Black Friday and among others...

Oh my... Look how time has flown. I meant to post this entry right after Black Friday, but little things called final exams and life got in the way.
As for Black Friday, it was sheer madness. Bestbuy opened at 5AM, and by the time I arrived at 4:40, there were about 400 people in front of me, thinking very same about how to save some money. As it opened, there were about 200 behind me, go figure :(
I managed to slug my way through human traffic and get what I wanted (and what I needed), and thanks in no small part to Black Friday, I managed to finish all my Christmas shopping done early. It was rather fortunate day (as Lego Store employee pointed out), as I found instant 50% off coupon upon check out at the Lego Store (which something those employees thought were nothing but an urban legend).
Final exams were all completed, I managed to take care of it with ease... except I had to retake clinical competency (sign of things to come?).
I can't wait to open up some gifts already.

First of four semesters completed, passed all classes. Break until 1/23/2008.

Was on diet for awhile, lost about 10 lbs.

Still the same job, except in the midst of hour cut (and ever shrinking paycheck).

Book: Nothing in particular.
Manga: Berserk (actually pretty decent series if you can get over with violence and gore part), Nodame Cantabile (Gyabo!)

Tinkering with QAM in my TV-Tuner. HD never looked this good in 22" monitor.

Two Cents: (Soon to be Two and Two-Hundredth, inflation adjusted)
Lots of snow here, about 8" from few days ago, and more to come tomorrow. Picturesque view, except I have to navigate through a car that is too low, and 2WD short of bearable in winter time. Hot cocoa anyone?

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Battle Maiden in Canary Yellow Smock

Lo' and behold, the summer has ended. My first week of school has been nothing short of sheer ruthless, and lots of folks are here, enjoying the labor day weekend in this countryside.
What lies ahead of my path is still uncertain, but it doesn't seem like a shade of murkiness. It looks very... wet and slippery now.

First is over, and I am already eight chapters behind my reading. Le sigh...

Blood work is done, and the lab value reads that I am fine.

Summer is over = less work to do

Book: Whole bunch of textbooks
Manga: Mimia-hime (one of three series being published by Tanaka Yutaka, one of my favorite mangaka)

Los Mets, and the football season is almost here.

Two Cents: (Short of 48 cents)
Lots of burnt out people in my classes, I feel right at home. New class of AIDS medication is about to hit the door, and I expect the sales rep. to bring some spiffy pens. About time, too.. as I am running out of ink on my Valtrex pen.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Stereotyping... It's painfully fun even if it's politically incorrect

This is what I have learned from my job.
1. Customer is the king (and that is precisely why they are ruthless... just like how the royalty treats his subject)
2. Stereotype is there for a reason (Yellow, black, white, whatever; I have yet to see a stereotype without a valid reason)
3. Doctors love to feel superior (and that is why they get all angsty whenever I bust their chop)

Registered, tuition paid, just need to straighten out few kinks... (such as books, etc)

A Okay.

Busy, busy, busy...

Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Zero no Tsukaima (The Familiar of Zero); it is currently unavailable in English form, unless Seven Seas really did acquire the right to release in US.
Manga: None.

Zero no Tsukaima, Baseball Tonight

Two Cents:
Back-to-School sales event are everywhere, but not where it matters the most to me. Dell needs to bring out new CPU lineups from Intel really soon, or I will just bolt out and buy from HP.

Someone I know once described certain people "Buffalo Warriors". Can you guess whom they might be?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Whatever happened to my winter?

It's long gone, goodbye winter.
I've been on the move yet again, hopefully for the last time in a long while. Grass is tall, birds are chirping, and my dog is sleeping as usual. Oh, and Mets rule! (Status Report Time!)

On break, considering making some changes soon.

Can't really complain about it.

Slow for now, but it will get busy in a week or two.

Book: The World is One: Princess Yi Pangja's Autobiography (out of print for almost 30 years now, had to search around to find a decent used copy)
Manga: Claymore (Action/Myth/Drama: Highly Recommended Series)

Mostly Weather Channel XD

Two Cents:
Exubera flopped like a fish out of water, people around here take more Percocet than crack cocaine, and doctors are retarded as ever. What's new?

Time to hop onto the iron beast known as a lawn tractor and round and round we go...